Wednesday, May 14, 2014

5 Ways Acupuncture Helps ADHD

Looking for a way to treat ADHD naturally? Or, maybe you’ve heard that ADHD responds best when it’s treated holistically. Whether you’re aiming for a completely drug-free treatment for ADHD or are looking for another tool to help you or your child feel better, acupuncture can help.

In order for the mind to be at rest, focused, and calm, the body must also be in a balanced  and peaceful state. According to traditional Chinese medicine, having either an excess or a deficiency of energy can unsettle the mind and lead to a lack of focus, anxiety, and other symptoms of ADHD. Unlike medication designed to simply treat the symptoms, Acupuncture treats ADHD by acting on the many different systems of the body that actually cause symptoms. Over time, the effects of treatment are more long-lasting, especially when combined with lifestyle changes, like diet and exercise.

Acupuncture calms the mind. Research has shown that acupuncture calms anxiety. Exactly how it does so is still unknown, but it is thought to be related to the release of endorphins – the soothing chemical that tells the brain, “everything is okay.” Acupuncture’s sedative effect is so powerful that it has been used – even recently! – as an alternative to anesthesia during surgery

Acupuncture enhances concentration.  Acupuncture relieves the “brain fog” often associated with ADHD. Studies have shown acupuncture can improve cognitive function and mental performance. If you’re suffering from problems with short-term memory or you’re finding it difficult to stay on-task, acupuncture is excellent for helping you restore focus and think more clearly.

Acupuncture helps insomnia.  Many people suffer concurrently from ADHD and insomnia. If you have ADHD, it’s likely that you know how hard it is to settle down at the end of the day. Acupuncture can help you fall asleep, improves your quality of sleep, and helps you wake less during the night, which in turn makes it easier to focus during the day.

Acupuncture treats some of the side-effects of ADHD medication.  Make no mistake: ADHD medications are powerful drugs, not to be taken lightly. They are stimulants, meaning they are intended to increase your alertness, but they also increase heart rate, lower appetite, hinder digestion, and can make you feel even more anxious. The calming effects of acupuncture help soothe these symptoms without making you feel overly tired.

Acupuncture helps treat irritability, depression, and anger. Whether you’re feeling agitated, depressed, or tend to swing back and forth between the two, acupuncture can help balance your mood over the long term by regulating hormones, increasing energy, and even leveling blood sugar imbalances for those who are sensitive to hypoglycemia.

In my Minneapolis acupuncture clinic, I’ve been lucky enough to see first-hand how effective regular treatments can be. If you want to learn more about my experience treating ADHD with acupuncture, please email me any of your questions.

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